Well or Municipal Water? The Differences You Need to Know
Whether you are a new or long-time resident of the Covington, Louisiana area, or considering moving nearby, it is important to understand the difference between well water and municipal water. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these two types of water sources and how they may impact your lifestyle in Covington.
Well Water Basics
Well water is simply water that comes from a private or shared well on someone’s property. It does not come from the public utility system like municipal (or city) water does. Wells are usually dug deep into the ground and draw out groundwater that has been filtered naturally through soil and rock. This type of water can be great for drinking, but there are some things to consider before opting for this choice.
For one, well water requires more upkeep than municipal water, as homeowners must make sure to regularly test their own wells for contaminants such as bacteria or nitrates. Additionally, wells can become depleted if too much water is used in a short period of time. If this happens, it can take weeks for an entire well to refill itself after heavy usage like watering your lawn or running multiple showers simultaneously.
Municipal Water Basics
Municipal (or city) water is sourced from either surface sources such as rivers or lakes or underground sources like aquifers. This type of water is treated by local government utilities with chlorine and other chemicals to kill harmful bacteria before it reaches our homes through pipes connected directly to our home's plumbing system. While this ensures that most bacteria are killed off before reaching your faucet, there may still be traces of other contaminants, such as lead or arsenic, present in your tap water depending on where you live. From what we've seen, it seems like most, if not all, of the tap water in the Covington area is too dirty to safely drink. Therefore, finding out what type of treatment options might work best for you depends on where you live within the city limits and what kind of treatment methods are available to you locally.
Both well water and city water can be contaminated and cause health problems. The best way to ensure your family's safety is to have your water tested by a professional. At our company, we offer free water testing. We will come to your home, test your water, and explain the results to you. Schedule a free water test today and give yourself peace of mind knowing that your family is drinking safe water.